My Yoni Pearls Review

Have you ever heard of yoni pearls? What's a yoni anyway?

Yoni in Hinduism means "womb", "source", or "vagina".

Yoni pearls are all natural herbs that are wrapped in a mesh cloth and used for a vaginal detox.

Today, I am excited to share with you my review and experience with using yoni pearls!

How do i use Yoni pearls?

Like I mentioned above, yoni pearls are all natural herbs wrapped in a mesh cloth and inserted into the vagina. The brand I purchased from is called Goddess Detox. The package comes with two yoni pearls, two applicators, and the instructions booklet.

One Yoni pearl is inserted at a time. The first yoni pearl is inserted for 24 hours then, removed. The second one is inserted for 48 hours then removed.

how does the vaginal detox work?

After removing the second pearl you wait 3-5 days and a purging process will occur in your vagina.

The purging process can remove toxins, yeast, bacteria, mucus, and old blood from the womb and vagina. It will create more energy flow in the area and promote womb and vaginal health.

*You cannot have sexual intercourse during the duration of the detox.

What are the benefits of a yoni pearl vaginal detox?

There are many benefits that can come from doing the vaginal detox!


  • Removal of old stagnant matter
  • Encourage blood flow
  • Vaginal tightness and increased wetness

Women have experienced:

  • regulated menstrual cycles
  • decrease in menstrual cycle pain
  • cleared up yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis
  • pregnancy after not being able to conceive.
  • Libido increase

What else can the yoni pearls do?

Yoni pearls are also great for spiritually detoxing your yoni. If you've had difficult experiences with old lovers this detox can help release emotions and allow for more aligned lovers in the future. It also helps release emotional blockages and allows for better flowing energy in your womb and vagina.

Why did I decide to try Yoni Pearls?

When I first heard of yoni pearls I was intrigued!

After deciding that we were going to try and conceive our third baby last year, I wanted to intentionally prepare my body for pregnancy.

It had been almost six years since I had last been pregnant and I was now approaching my late 20s, so I felt that my body needed an extra boost.

There had been two different occasions where I thought I would conceive and I was surprised that I didn't. I track my cycle therefore am aware of when I am ovulating, so I was not sure why I didn't get pregnant. Although, those two times weren't super intentional, we also didn't try to stop a pregnancy from occurring. So I was a little confused.

I had read reviews of women stating that they were able to conceive after doing the vaginal detox.

So, given the fact that I already believe in detoxes and cleanses, I thought that it was a perfect time to try a vaginal detox.

I also did other things to support my body to try to get pregnant!

What were my results with the vaginal detox pearls?

So, I did have a small purge. I was honestly hoping for more because on the product reviews on the Goddess Detox website women show pictures of their purge. So I was expecting mine to be bigger. I contacted the company and they told me that a small purge is normal and to try the cleanse a second time because sometimes you get better results the second time around.

I really was planning to do the detox a second time (I even ordered another Goddess Detox package), however the very next month I found out I was pregnant!!!

Did the Detox pearls help you get pregnant?

I believe they did. Like I mentioned earlier, there were other things I was doing to support my body for pregnancy, but I still have to say that I think the Goddess Detox Pearls did help me get pregnant! Yay!

Are the yoni pearls vaginal detox right for me?

I think that if after doing your research and reading this blog post, and you feel excited to try it, then they are right for you! Especially if you are intentionally trying to clear something or feel like a detox will benefit you. It has to be aligned with you.

Goddess Detox also sells a vaginal steam which is another vaginal detoxing product that is more mild than the pearls. If you prefer a full vaginal cleanse then do the detox pearls. However, you can also try both just not at the same time!

Also, do not do a vaginal detox if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or currently on your period.

Now I would love to know. Have you ever done a vaginal detox? Have you heard of yoni pearls? If it's something that you'd be interested in trying let me know in the comments section below!

Thank you so much for reading!

xo Melissa

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1 comment

  • Wanda Christian says:

    I want to know after using the Yoni pearls what is the white rubber like a thick sheet of tissue paper it happens every I use the pearls. I have a prolapsed bladder and these pearls are actually pulling me back in place and I stop peeing all day.
